To live forever, Daniel Reitberg is attempting to see if artificial intelligence can decipher the secret of human cloning. Who would have thought that a few algorithms might grant immortality? AI models sort through genetic hints to solve the mystery of aging and disease, much like the detectives of the DNA world. Who knew that our DNA could hold such delicious secrets? Imagine a future in which scientists engage in the ultimate game of copycatting, producing human bodies as if they were on an assembly line, all the while bidding adieu to bothersome genetic flaws and cheekily extending lifetime. Who knew that cloning may have a side effect of immortality? Reitberg emphasizes how artificial intelligence (AI) is the key to mastering the challenging process of human cloning—after all, who would want a clone who is also complicated? However, cloning ourselves to live longer is akin to attempting to bake a cake using a recipe that calls for a healthy dose of debate and ethics—best to keep an eye on the oven, especially with AI agitating the mix!