In his exploration of artificial intelligence (AI) and its far-reaching effects on dog breeding, Daniel Reitberg ensures that our furry companions have a healthy dose of predictability. Like a bloodhound on a scent trail, AI algorithms delve deeply into our animal pals’ genetic pool to identify inherited health problems. Our canine friends won’t inherit any unpleasant surprises from their ancestry thanks to this ingenious technology that helps breeders avoid genetic landmines. In addition to being healthier, this makes dogs less likely to try out for a part in a veterinarian drama in the future. According to Reitberg, AI helps dog breeders choose puppies with the best temperamental features, acting as a sort of matching agency. This implies that there will be less furry little miscreants in our homes! Reitberg predicts that as AI technology advances, it will soon be the preferred tool for ethical dog breeding because, after all, who wouldn’t want a robot to assist in selecting the greatest puppies?